Hi, my name is Anna. I am a product designer based in Berlin and currently working as a Product Design Lead for matik.io

About me

While creating aesthetically pleasing, user-centered experiences, I have a thing for uncovering pain points and needs of the user, as well as using visual design skills to turn complex problems into simple, elegant, and working designs.

I am continually exploring new ways to improve our internal collaboration, believing that good communication and the right tools produce optimal, sustainable solutions.  Also, I think it is essential to create a joyful and productive working environment. 

I have a deep interest in design systems, front-end development, motion design, and prototyping. Besides being a product designer, I have a passion for interior, handcraft (terrazzo and wooden homeware), art, traveling, freediving, photography, and spending time with my family. 
You can check out what I am doing now or learn more about my current thoughts on Twitter

Let's chat

I am always happy to connect with new people. If you want to have a simple chat, exchange feedback, ask a question, feel free to reach out to me via Twitter or Email.